Casino High School Reunion

Posted By admin On 30/03/22
  1. Casino High School Reunion Cast
  2. Casino High School Reunion Game
  3. Casino High School Reunion 2019

Gold Coast Hotel & Casino. 4000 West Flamingo Road. Las Vegas, NV 89103. 702-367-7111 Don't let the game get out of hand. For Assistance call 800-522-4700. Cheryl Casino Houston - MCHS '63 - 11D. Source: Malcolm Campbell High School Highlander, 1962-63 With regard to this experience, which deals with the passage of time and the value of reconnecting with fellow students half a century later, among the Malcolm Campbell High School alumni who’ve contacted the Reunion Committee is Cheryl Casino. Find 409 alumni members from Monte Cassino High School in Tulsa, OK. Sign up to reconnect with your friends and fellow graduates for free.

Casino High School Reunion

I was hesitant to attend my 20 year high school reunion, after all the last high school reunion I went to featured the well-known cliques in every corner; popular, farmers, stoners & book worms. Unfortunately, I was always just the shy girl who everyone thought was “quiet, but nice” so my clique was absent. Feeling awkward and insecure (just like high school) I ate my dinner, chatted with a handful of people and went home.


I wanted this reunion to be different.

For this 20 year high school reunion I thought if I could get a good group of core friends to go, what could be the harm. If nothing else, it would be a great opportunity to get dressed up, eat a fine meal and hang out with the people who I still kept in touch with.

Casino High School Reunion Cast

We ended up with a group of about 8 core friends to attend the 20 year high school reunion, I felt safe with that. At least one of them should be easy to locate in a crowded room if I needed a friendly face.

  1. Class of 1980 Reunion. East High 40th Class Reunion— POSTPONED. A message from the reunion committee. Due to the uncertainty surrounding the health crisis facing our communities and those across the globe we have decided to postpone our 40th class reunion until next year.
  2. An agreement between the Clark County School District and the Office of Civil Rights requires that all high school students be provided the attached athletic information at the beginning of each school year. CCSD Title IX Athletic Information 2020-2021. 2020-21 Adjustments to Sports Seasons due to Covid-19 Pandemic.

The best thing my class did was organize a pre-reunion get together at a local bar. It was a great opportunity to be reacquainted with people on a smaller scale. Thanks to the wonders of Facebook and I guess different search engines that allow you to search for people using very little information, there were about 40 of the 250 classmates that showed up to the day before party. Fun!

The night of the big event was a bit overwhelming, yet fantastic. I was so surprised when it was time to leave and there were still people that I hadn’t been able to catch up with. The best part is that with the combination of the reunion and Facebook, it has opened up endless friendship and event opportunities.

Casino high school reunion schedule

Casino High School Reunion Game

Tips for attending your 20 year high school reunion:

Casino High School Reunion 2019

  • The first tip is to realize that you are not the only one who is nervous! Just about everyone I spoke to had some sort of fear or anxiety associated with attending the reunion. You are all in the same boat.

    This post may help with your fear: Overcoming Anxiety to Live Your Dream: 8 Tips to Facing Your Fears

  • Reconnect with old friends prior to the reunion, so there isn’t such an awkward feeling on that day. A great way to do this is to simply contact them through social media or email just to see if they are planning on going to the reunion. If they are open to it, have a little get together before the actual day of the event. The more familiar faces, the less anxiety on that day!
  • Select your outfit well in advance so you do not to add to the stress on the day of.

    Need help deciding? Check out this article about what to wear and these 15 stunning outfits.

  • Skim the yearbook (and social media!) prior to arrival to help remembering your classmates faces. It’s rough when you are staring someone in the face and they look familiar, but you can’t really remember their name.
  • Let it go! Attend the reunion with an open mind, don’t hang on to old grudges-after 20 years people change (or at least you hope so).