Poker Icon Name
Posted By admin On 14/04/22In our recent Continuation Bet article we show cards in this highly readable way:
Poker Icon Name List
Online Poker Aliases and Other Unique Names While historically poker nicknames have followed the trends already listed above, the poker boom brought about another type of nickname – the online poker alias. Several players dominating the scene online became more recognised for their online usernames than their real name. Poker names don’t need to be nicknames to be recognized as great. Notable no-nickame poker legends include Phil Ivey, Chip Reese, and T.J. Those are some cool poker names that don’t need alteration. To accompany my list of famous poker hand nicknames, the following list contains most of the well-known poker player nicknames.
The cards can be copy and pasted, printed, and viewed on any device, and it is pure text. Here’s how you can embed card suit symbols for hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs directly into your text.
Poker Icon Names
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Use so-called HTML entities, as follows:
- ♥ – type ♥ into your HTML document. Make sure to start with an ampersand, finish with a semi-colon, and use no spaces between the ampersand and semi-colon
- ♦ – type ♦ into your HTML document
- ♠ – type ♠ into your HTML document
- ♣ – type ♣ into your HTML document
So, for example, if you want A♥K♦, then type A♥K&diamonds; into your HTML editor.
For colours, you can use inline CSS as follows <span style=’color: red’>A♥</span>
Naturally it is best not to inline the CSS style, and instead to create a custom class you can reuse.
In a text editor or document editor
Copy and Paste (Mac and Windows)

Copy and paste the characters directly from this page, one at a time or all four at once: ♥♦♠♣
Yes, these can be treated like any pure text.

On macOS, you can use the “Emojis and Symbols” viewer to find these characters and many more. Just type Cmd+Ctrl+space whenever your Mac is expecting you to type, and this will appear.
Windows, Linux, and non-Mac devices

I don’t know how to do this on Windows or Linux as I mostly work on a Mac. Sorry.